Most Common Holiday Plumbing Problems and How to Address Them

Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Day – the most wonderful time of the year is upon us! Here’s how to keep the season’s less glamorous side – common plumbing problems – from ruining your family’s holiday celebrations this year.

Damaged Garbage Disposals

The holidays mean lots of delicious food, served to all your favorite people. Unfortunately, not all those people may know how to properly use your home’s garbage disposal. The holidays typically see a major jump in the cases of clogged or broken garbage disposals seen by plumbers, as people drop things that should never be disposed of down their drains. When a back-up or breakdown happens, call your plumber right away to prevent further damage, injury, and nasty odors taking over your kitchen.

Toilets Getting Clogged

Lots of people in a single home mean lots of people using the same restroom facilities. Even if you have multiple toilets in your house, you’ll often find that increased usage leads to an increased instance of clogged toilets. While some of these clogs may be a job for a plunger and some elbow grease, some may be much more severe. If you’re not interested in spending Thanksgiving or Christmas trying to get your toilets to flush, call an emergency plumber for help right away.

Water Heaters Going Out

All those guests that clogged up your toilet? They’ll need to wash their hands after they finish in the restroom. They need to shower, too. They may also need to wash clothes. All of this puts a lot of demand on your home’s water heater.

You may notice water that is slower to heat up or showers that are far quicker to run colder than usual. If this increased demand goes on for too long, you may also notice that your water heater simply stops working altogether. When this happens, it’s time to call a plumber about a replacement – and fast!

When you’re hosting guests this holiday season, don’t feel like you’re on your own. Call Same Day Service Plumbing for help with all your plumbing problems. From the kitchen to the bathroom and beyond, we’ll keep things running smoothly, so you and yours can enjoy the most wonderful time of the year!

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